
Hi, it's me, Kush Bhagat. You may or may not know me, but either way, thanks for taking your time to check out my website. To get things started, let me tell you a little bit about myself. Right now, I am studying at the University of Waterloo, pursuing a degree in Computer Science and hoping to graduate by 2023. I am a hard-working individual, with excellent time management skills, and I always have a positive attitude. I love to socialize with friends, as well as meet new people, so feel free to contact me!

Hobbies and Interests

Now that you know a little bit about me, let me tell you some of my favourite things to do. Some of favourite sports include taekwondo, soccer, and swimming, but I tend to enjoy playing any type of sport that keeps me active. I started to do taekwondo when I was around seven years old, and ended up continuing for about ten years in which I competed in sparring competitions and also became a taekwondo instructor. Similarily for swimming, I started at a very young age and progressed to become a lifeguard and swimming instructor. In relation to other interests, I love to program in my free time, and challenge my self with difficult problems. I have a strong interest in all genres of music, with my favourite being hip-hop.


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Work Experience

Web Developer

For my second coop term, I got to work at The Equitable Life of Canada as a Web Developer. The position it self was very much like a full stack position because I was working with both the backend server and frontend. The main frameworks I worked with at this position were Angular and ASP.NET Core. ASP.NET Core was used to create the server, and Angular was used to create the frontend for the web applications I worked on.

While working at Equitable I worked with many amazing people, and got to work on two amazing projects. The first project was an App Catalog, and the second was an Approval Portal. The App Catalog was a web app that showed the connections of thousands of servers, applications, and environments in an organized and structured fashion. This web app was especially useful for developers and project managers as it displayed all the technical information needed in a neat manner. The Approval Portal was a project meant to ease the deployment process. It allowed developers to become stakeholders in certain project environments, so whenever a deployment was happening, they would get notified and consequently approve the deployment.

Software Developer

For my first coop term, I had the opportunity to intern at Rocscience, an amazing company that creates the worlds leading geotechnical software. My time at this company was amazing and I had a lot to learn from it.

My big project for the term was to create a dark mode for all three of their 3D softwares, Slide3, RS3, and Examine3. In order to do this, I had to first clean up their entire UI, by developing my own user interface control system. The goal of this system is to overarch all the UI in all three softwares, so that it becomes much easier to edit and customize all the UI elements. As an example, if a developer was tasked to change the way the scroll bar was colored, rather than going through every single file and tediously hard coding a new color value, they could just change the color within the UI control system. With the UI control system now in place, I started developping the theme manager so that it could switch, control, and edit the theme while the program was running. To do this, I had to make sure that not only all the UI elements changed themes, but also the icons and viewport elements.

The core technical skills that I learned were in relation to the WPF framework, specifically how to combine XAML and C# to customize and create desktop applications. In terms of soft skills, I gained the experience of working in a scrum team environment, where the team would meet every Tuesday and Thursday to discuss what we had done, and what we plan to do. This included giving live presentations to the chief technical officer of Rocscience (Brent Corkum), and also discussing improvements for the software.

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